February : 14th - St. Valentine's Day

Ruah : Life in the Spirit Seminars 
 will take place starting
Thursday 27th February 2025,
7 Thursdays, at 8pm, in St. Paul's Church Ayrfield. 

To register contact Teresa on 087-2069249 
For more information see :

Anam Cara North Dublin, the organisation that supports bereaved parents : 

1) Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wednesday 19th February at 7:30pm in the Hilton Hotel, Malahide Rd, Northern Cross, Dublin, D17 Y924. Held on the 3rd Wedensday of each month.
This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. For more information call 01 4045378 or 085 2888 888 or email info@anamcara.ie  

2) Online Bereavement Information Evening on Tuesday 18th February at 7pm for bereaved parents. This is a collaborative event and will have members of other support organisations on the panel for the Q&A session. Along with Brid Carrol there will be HUGG, A little lifetime and Feileacain on the panel. Please find the details below:
Date: Tuesday 18th February 2025 Time: 7pm - 8:30pm Guest Speaker: Brid Carroll  " Register Here "

New Rosters available for Ministers of the Word and Eucharist : 
Link to Rosters

Confirmation Ceremony 2025
Friday 28th  February at 11amSacrament of Confirmation

Next Preparation Mass for First Holy Communion 2025
Sunday 2nd March at 10:30am - Theme: Reconciliation 

View this Weekends Newsletter
Click on the button to view the webcam for St. Paul's Church, Ayrfield 

Parish Partnership 
Ayrfield and Donaghmede are in partnership with Raheny, Grange Park and Edenmore Parishes.
There have been a change to Mass times in the parishes of St. Monica, Edenmore & St. Benedict, Grange Park
View: Updated Mass times from 1st July 2024

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Parish News

 Saturday (vigil):   5:30pm
 Sunday:   10:30am

St. Paul’s, Ayrfield 
Mass ) Tuesday & Thursday :    10am
( Service of Word with Communion ) ~ Monday 10am

Holy Trinity, Donaghmede
Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 10am
Saturday Vigil - 6:30pm, Sunday - 9:30am & 11:30am

Parish Partnership 
Ayrfield and Donaghmede are in partnership with Raheny, Grange Park and Edenmore Parishes.

There have been a change to Mass times in the parishes of St. Monica, Edenmore & St. Benedict, Grange Park
View: Updated Mass times from 1st July 2024

Click on the button to view the webcam for St. Paul's Church, Ayrfield

An Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you now as if you were already there and I unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

Funeral Masses in St. Paul's Church are at 10:00am unless otherwise notified.
Funerals have no capacity limits but all other protective measures remain in place.

Year of Prayer 2024:   website link 
Pope Francis has asked that 2024 be marked as a Year of Prayer. The Holy Father announced its launch on Sunday 21st January 2024, on the fifth annual celebration of the ‘Sunday of the Word of God’. “From now on I am happy to think that the year preceding the Jubilee event, 2024, will be dedicated to a great ‘symphony’ of prayer. First of all, to recover the desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to him and adore him.”  ~ Pope Francis  
Discover the "Notes on Prayer" website link
The Angelus : Prayer Card
Pray the Rosary : Booklet

St. Paul's Annual Remembrance Mass  
On Tuesday, 5th November at 7:30pm we celebrated our Annual Remembrance Mass for all those of our community who have died during the last twelve months.
It is good as a community, to gather, to pray and to remember.   
Mass of Remembrance : 2024 List

Theme : Dancing in the Sky + Rewrite (Angels Perspective) 

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Building Hope 

Building Hope with Open Hearts 
Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Dermot Farrell is available :
JESUS’ CONCERN IS FOR OUR HEARTS… he seeks to draw us close, heart-to-heart with him. May we open our hearts, inviting the Spirit to guide our every action, awakening and enlivening us as we build hope together across the Archdiocese. We pray to the Lord / Lord hear us.

The Building Hope Prayer

Pilgrim God, we give you thanks and praise.
You constantly journey with us even in our darkness and doubts.
We seek your way of loving kindness to walk together as one family.
Open our eyes to recognise you in the faces of one another,
in the breaking of bread and in the splendour of creation.
May the risen Christ sow seeds of hope and new life deep within us.
May our hearts and minds be filled with your Word,
bringing forth truth, justice and peace.
May the Holy Spirit working in and through us do much more
than we can dare to imagine
as we live out our baptismal calling in humble and loving service.
We make this our prayer through Christ Our Lord.

Mary Mother of Christ, pray for us.
St. Laurence O'Toole, pray for us.
St. Kevin, pray for us
St. Brigid, pray for us

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Grow In Love - First Holy Communion 

First Holy Communion Ceremony : 
Friday 16th May 2025 at 11am

Please note: We would encourage children preparing for First Holy Communion this year to attend mass at the weekends.

First Reconciliation Service : 
Wednesday, 26th March 2025 - 11:00am

Form First Communion Registration 2024-2025

For more information on the Grow in Love and First Holy communion

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You Shall Be My Witnesses - Confirmation - 2022-2023

Confirmation Ceremony: 
Friday 28th February 2025 at 11am

Form :      Confirmation Registration 2024-2025

The Diocese have prepared a Parish resource for Confirmation called  "Walking with Families".

For more information:  click here

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Contributions to Family Offerings and Mass Collections

Outdoor Family Offering Collection - Standing Order 

If you wish to contribute to St. Paul’s Parish, Ayrfield Family Offering collection by Standing Order, or if you would like to use a standing order to replace your weekly envelope contribution please complete the "Bankers Order Form" This collection, as you know, is crucial for the practical running of our Parish. The parish also supports the preparation of the children and parents for the sacraments through the Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation Programmes. Completed forms can be returned by post or in person to the Parish Office.

For more details contact Freda in the Parish Office on 01-8160984.
Please fill out the following form: "Bankers Order Form"

Tax relief For Donation to Eligible Charities 

The Parish can claim a Tax Rebate on any donations of €250 and over in any one year and add it to our funds. Donations include the Family offerings outdoor collection, by either direct debit or envelopes and donations made to the Common Fund, Share, Christmas and Easter Dues. 

A CHY3 Form is valid for 5 years and is to be returned to the Parish Office for eligible Households. 

A CHY4 Form is valid for a single year and can be returned to the Parish Office for eligible Households.

If you wish to donate online to the First or Second collections that normally take place on a Sunday or to Easter/Christmas Dues you can do so by using the DONATE button on the top of the screen which the diocese has asked us to place on our website. 

When you click on the DONATE button at the top of the page. You also get an option to donate to St. Paul's Parish, Ayrfield, by way of a once off donation or if you wish join the Family Offering - planned giving, you can to set up a Weekly or Monthly offering and enter the amount of your donation. You will need to have your payment details (card/debit card or bank details) and your mobile phone to hand. Your mobile phone is needed because a confirmation pin number will be texted to it. Thank you for your support, it is very much appreciated. 

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We Remember at Mass and in Prayer, Those Who Have Gone Before Us

Saturday - 5:30 pm
  Jason Kane   ~ Birthday Remembrance

Sunday   - 10:30am
  Peter Campbell ~ 6th Anniversary

Tuesday - 10:00am

Thursday - 10:00am

Your prayers are also requested for the happy repose of the souls of  Colm Mallon, Joan Kiernan, Jimmy Keogh, Ronald McMahon, Noreen Mulholland, Bernie Berry, Brigid "Babs" Kelly, Margaret "Peggy" Adams, Michael "Mick" Lyons, Thomas Dempsey Senior & Brian Thomas Hardiman recently deceased. 

May He support us all the day long, till the shades lengthen the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done.
Then in His mercy may He give us a safe lodging, and a holy rest and peace at the last.

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Mass Times

Saturday Evening Vigil:


Tuesday and Thursday

Service of Word with Communion :
Monday 10:00am

Live Stream Links:

~   St. Paul's Church,
~  Holy Trinity Church,
~  St. Monica's Church,
~  St. Benedict's Church, 
      Grange Park 
~  Our Lady Mother of Divine Grace Church, 
~  St. Brendan's Church,
~ Knock Shrine

Contact Us

Parish Office:
St. Paul's Church,
Dublin 13
Tel: 01 8160984
Office Email:

Sacristy Tel: 01-8160981

Parish Priest:
Fr. Declan Blake

Fr. Aaron Vinduska


Baptisms are held on the 1st Saturday of each month at 12 noon 

"Request for Baptism Forms" should be completed and returned to the Parish Office with a copy of the Birth Certificate.

Accord Dublin

ACCORD Dublin provides Sacramental Marriage Preparation Courses and Marriage and Relationship Counselling.
Click on Accord logo to view.

October 2018

Friday, 19th



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