Parish Youth Groups
"The Prayer Groups: their organization and mission", the nine steps of the journey that we have had together in this pastoral year, following together the path that God has chosen for us.
We remind you that this year too, on June 16, the 20th Anniversary of the Canonization of Padre Pio, Prayer Groups from all over the world will join spiritually in prayer and communion of intentions to celebrate the Feast of Communion.
1. Catechesis of October 2021: "Padre Pio's Life, Seen As A Work By The Holy Spirit".
2. Catechesis of November 2021: "A Son Who Is Less Unworthy Than Saint Francesco".
3. Catechesis of December 2021: "The Mercy of God".
4. Catechesis of January 2022: "The Eucharist, The Altar And The Victim".
5. Catechesis of February 2022: "The Charism Of Prayer".
6. Catechesis of March 2022: "Prayer Groups In The Life Of The Church".
7. Catechesis of April 2022: "Casa Solloevo And The Charism Of Charity".
8. Catechesis of May 2022: "Our Lady' Intercession".
9. Catechesis of June 2022: "The Prayer Groups - Their Organization And Mission".
Mass Times
Saturday Evening Vigil:
Tuesday and Thursday
Service of Word with Communion :
Monday 10:00am
Live Stream Links:
~ St. Paul's Church,
~ Holy Trinity Church,
~ St. Monica's Church,
~ St. Benedict's Church,
Grange Park
~ Our Lady Mother of Divine Grace Church,
~ St. Brendan's Church,
~ Knock Shrine
Contact Us
Parish Office:
St. Paul's Church,
Dublin 13
Tel: 01 8160984
Office Email:
Sacristy Tel: 01-8160981
Parish Priest:
Fr. Declan Blake
28 Glentworth Park
Ard na Gréine
Dublin 13, D13 C4A0
Tel: 01 8160 984