Baptism Preparation
The sacrament of Baptism takes place on the 1st Saturday of every month at 12 o’clock.
We have a preparation night on the last Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm. At Preparation Night we talk with the parents about the responsibility attached to asking for baptism, as there are certain promises the parents will be making for their babies. It is also an opportunity to invite the parents to take some quiet time to consider their relationship with God and where He figures in their lives.
We take time to go through the different aspects of the Sacrament and explain the Symbols; the Sacrament of Baptism is full of symbolism. The parents are given a book called "Celebrating Baptism" and on the day of Baptism are presented with a Baptismal Remembrance Certificate.
In January on the Feast of Our Lord’s Baptism we invite all babies and their families who were baptized in the past year to join in the Family Mass on the Sunday at 12.30pm.
Baptism Preparation Team members are: Marie McDonnald, Noreen Delaney & Paddy Byrne
(Forms must be completed prior to attending preparation evenings. These are available from Freda in the Parish Office at Tel: 01 8160984 or from Mai in the Sacristy at Tel: 01 8160981)
Request for Baptism form

The 2024-2025 preparation meeting with Parents/Guardians was held on Wednesday 25th September at 7:30pm in Holy Trinity Church for both parishes of Ayrfield & Donaghmede.
Please note: We would encourage children preparing for First Holy Communion this year to attend mass at the weekends.
Form : First Communion Registration 2024-2025
Kirsten Mahon, our Faith Development Co-ordinator in the area will reflect on the importance of preparation for this celebration over the coming months.
If your child is not baptised and you would like them to receive the sacraments please contact the parish office urgently as we are arranging a special baptism for older children over the next 2 months.
Dates for your Diary : 2024 - 2025
First Holy Communion Date
- Friday 16th May 2025
The Parish Office is available to support any parents who do not have access to the internet or an electronic device. You can call to the office any morning where Noreen or Anne will be happy to assist you with registration.
Grow In Love is a Parish-based programme for First Holy Communion. In designing this programme the authors of this programme have designed this to be in unison with what the children are learning in their Grow In Love programme in the school. The Sacramental preparation of children is the responsibility of the home, school and parish working together in partnership. The work of Sacramental preparation begins long before the First Holy Communion celebration.
The celebration of First Holy Communion is a Sacred and important moment on a long journey of Faith development. Together with Baptism and Confirmation, it opens the door to full membership of the Christian community. It is not an end in itself. The Sacramental preparation of our children must always be seen as one element of the broader task of whole-community catechesis.
Here in St Paul’s the ‘Grow In Love Team’ works closely with the teachers and the parents in preparing for First Holy Community. The Programme starts with a combined meeting with the parish priest, the teachers the parents and the Team. At this meeting the aims of the programme are explained and questions taken. Parents are invited to participate in the preparation of the Liturgy of the Mass which we organise each Month during the preparation for Holy Communion, starting with the Enrollment Mass.
For more information, please watch the short videos below:
Grow in Love in the Parish – Part 1 from Veritas Ireland on Vimeo.
Grow in love in the Parish - Part 2 from Veritas Ireland on Vimeo.

The 2024-2025 preparation meeting with Parents/Guardians will be held on Monday 23rd September at 7:30pm in Holy Trinity Church for both parishes of Ayrfield & Donaghmede.
Form : Confirmation Registration 2024-2025
Dates for Your Diary: 2024 – 2025
Confirmation Date
- Friday 28th February 2025
The Parish Office is available to support any parents who do not have access to the internet or an electronic device. You can call to the office any morning where Noreen or Anne will be happy to assist you with registration.
The Diocese have prepared a Parish resource for Confirmation called "Walking with Families".
It is a three part programme each session lasting 30 mins.
1. Strength for the Journey - Watch Video 1
2. Gifted by the Spirit - Watch Video 2
3. Called by Name - Watch Video 3
I would encourage you and your child to take part in the programme and I am sure your child will enjoy it and find it helpful in their preparation for the Sacrament. These sessions aim to complement the work of the teachers in the school.
~ Fr. Declan Blake

The Catholic Church distinguishes between a legal marriage and the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Marriage is regulated by the civil government that has certain rules that must be followed to make a marriage legal. On top of that, the Church views marriages not just as a legal contract, but as a sacred covenant. A covenant is a relationship that is permanent, and is only dissolved at death. Marriage is the sacrament that most closely imitates the love of Christ the bridegroom for His bride, the Catholic Church. For a man and a woman to come to this understanding and to learn to live this in their daily lives as a married couple is our goal for your marriage preparation process. And this process does take time.

Marriage Preparation
The marriage preparation process begins with a meeting with the priest where introductions are made and the wedding date can be confirmed. Law requires that you provide at least three months notice of your intention to marry with the Civil Registrar and the priest. It is strongly recommended that you take part in a Pre-Marriage programme. Accord, the Catholic Marriage Centre run several of these during the year.
The Church requires the following documents for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony to be forward six months in advance of your wedding:
- Baptismal Cert (issued by the Church you were baptised)
- Confirmation Cert
- Letter of Freedom: If you have lived for more than six months outside of the parish you were born.
These are normally obtained from the parish in which you lived and simply states that there is no record of you having been married while living in that parish.
The following are the Civil Requirements for Marriage in Ireland:
- Make an appointment to meet with any Civil Registrar to give at least three months notice of your intention to marry in advance of your proposed date of marriage
- In preparation for the meeting with Registrar meet with your local priest, book the church and know the name of the priest who has agreed to celebrate your marriage.
- Make sure that the priest who has agreed to marry you is on the registered list held at the Registrar, if not ask the local priest to have him appointed as a Temporary Solemniser for your marriage.
You will need to following documentation for your meeting with the Registrar:
- Photo identity, (preferably a passport or driving licence)
- Names and dates of birth of two witnesses
- Name of the church where you wish to marry
- Date of marriage
- Name of priest who will officiate at your marriage
If either of you has been previously married you must provide the Civil Registrar with an original divorce decree or death certificate if widowed.
Fee €150
Make sure you receive the Marriage Registration Form (MRF) from the Registrar to show it to the priest.
You need to make a verbal declaration of no civil impediment before your priest and your two witnesses not more than two days before your marriage. This usually takes place just as you arrive in the sanctuary area on the day of your marriage.
You must return to any Civil Registrar's office the signed MRF/Form A, not later than 1 month after your marriage has been celebrated. For more information on all requirements go to
Catholic Wedding Mass
The Wedding Mass is falls into five main sections:
1. The Introductory Rites
2. Liturgy of the Word Readings
3. The Rite of Marriage
4. The Liturgy of the Eucharist
5. Concluding Rite & Blessing
Each of these is divided into sub-sections, which are listed here. In each case you can select your favourite from 3 or more alternative forms or options. The full text of all your options and other aspects of the wedding ceremony can be found in The Complete Massbook Guide available at £1.99 (+50p p&p) from I.M.S., 62 Castle Byrne Park, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Tel: 01 2887578, or from IMS (H.O.), 3 Beaumont Place, Ballintemple, Cork, Tel: 021 295208.
Wedding Rehearsal
This is normally held during the week prior to the wedding. It is essential that the bride and groom, bridesmaid and best man, readers and all those saying the prayers of the faithful and those carrying up the gifts attend the rehearsal. Liaise with the priest for a suitable date and book the church for the rehearsal with the sacristan Mai Cass. Tel: 01 8160981 (9am-12 noon).
Church Offering
To cover expenses and running costs for the use of the Church there is a suggested offering/fee payable. The sacristan will inform you of this nearer the time.

Anointing of the Sick
Formerly known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction, is a ritual of healing appropriate not only for physical but also for mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Mass Times
Saturday Evening Vigil:
Tuesday and Thursday
Service of Word with Communion :
Monday 10:00am
Live Stream Links:
~ St. Paul's Church,
~ Holy Trinity Church,
~ St. Monica's Church,
~ St. Benedict's Church,
Grange Park
~ Our Lady Mother of Divine Grace Church,
~ St. Brendan's Church,
~ Knock Shrine
Contact Us
Parish Office:
St. Paul's Church,
Dublin 13
Tel: 01 8160984
Office Email:
Sacristy Tel: 01-8160981
Parish Priest:
Fr. Declan Blake
Fr. Aaron Vinduska